The concept that life itself, is a psychological operation, has significant benefits for anyone feeling stuck, or is in a mental health, or wellness program, and it has profound implications for humanity.
While PSYOP (psychological operations) originated from the military, and the word first appeared in 1965, the idea has been used for 1,000’s of years, and only got more extreme as time went on. e.g. MKUltra.
In the civilian world, just look at tele-vision (projecting a vision). From the very start, TV had “programming”, and it did’t take long for people to call it “the idiot box”, (and now we have one in every pocket).
Lets zoom out. Way out.
Beyond media, military, or government.
Lets look at our life, what we seem to be, and the evidence of how things seem to work.
We are a creative machine.
You get an idea, or there is some creative inspiration, so you go and create that “thing” that is needed in the world. Music, art, devices, furniture, buildings, materials, images, video, clothes, planes,… the list is endless.
Everything that was ever created by us, or ever will be, started as a thought that ignited our imagination, turned into a belief, which turned into action, to make real.
It’s pretty damn extraordinary.
There are endless use cases to demonstrate that we absorb programming.
From the family we were born into, the education we choose to listen to, the economic system we believe in (more on this soon), companies we work for, the movies we watch, the music, the religion, the gurus, the media we digest, and especially, the people we spend time around.
You either believe you are a creative machine, or you don’t.
If you don’t believe you have a hand in creating your reality, then I can’t help you.
If you do believe you have some agency to create, then read on. Because your inputs, lead to your thoughts, and then your beliefs, and your reality.
Ultimately, what we create is programmed into us, from someone, somewhere.
But we are the creative machine. We are the engine that creates.
We take that input, and makes it into something.
The life you create,
is a psychological operation
that you run on yourself.
It happens irrespective where the programming comes from.
Related article:
How to defeat ‘The Matrix’ and still thrive. here
With this lens, I’ll list a few of the things we know, and maybe some we don’t see as clearly, things we don’t fully take note of:
Re-infecting yourself over and over, with bad stories keeps you trapped
Talking doom and gloom, and believing it, creates doom and gloom
You are being used by the dark forces you supposedly fight
Trauma and cPTSD is programming to be transformed, not healed (more here)
There are two types of selfishness, one is bad, one is essential and vital to life
Don’t believe the lie that all selfishness is bad
Individuality and sense-of-self does matter, (even if it is God directed)
Most meditation is a dumbing down and a trap
Most of the wellness industry is a trap
Endless ceremony and ritual is its own fear based prison
Journaling, music, media, news, TV, social media and movies are all programming
Be aware of what they are doing to you.
It might make you feel comfortable, but is it freeing you? or just pulling into a likeminded tribe who suffer similarly?
One set of facts shown to you is not the whole truth
The concept of “sin” becomes critical, even for non believers
Your thoughts, words and actions matter
Knowing how to defend the mind, and your physicality is essential.
The major implications are:
Life is actually simple
You can get free of the mental prison, for life. Forever.
You must learn how to defend the mind – your imagination
Gangs, cartels, ‘the matrix’ and corruption, can be easily defeated (more here)
And the transition to a new civilization will not be as tumultuous as the “doom and gloomers” keep saying
Stay informed, but bring solutions.
Imagine the hill worth living on, and live on it.
Don’t get sucked into perpetual doom and gloom. (I’ve been guilty of this).
If we want to get truly free, we need to take the perspective that:
Life itself is a psychological operation.
And if you are not programming you,
someone else is.
So be aware of what you ingest. The words you believe in your mind, have a material impact on the world.
Feel free to comment, agree, disagree, and share this.
Thank you, take care, more to come.
Robert De Pinto.
Life Beyond Thinking®
Life is simple. Make it great,
Related articles:
How to defeat ‘The Matrix’ and still thrive. here
Transformational tools:
Transform your trauma, get free and happy for life. here
A visual guide to spiritual recovery,
the secret to unlocking humanity’s potential. here