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How do we get happy in a crazy world?

Todays society seems to be making crazy minds and miserable lives. There are so many people triggered and suffering mentally.

I believe its entirely possible, and necessary to get happy now.

Because happy people (happy in themselves), live great lives and create a thriving society, not the other way around. trying to control and create a perfect exterior, to make us happy, just leads to oblivion. its been proven over and over.

So if we want to end our suffering, and start to live a great life (from within)

We need to reframe life around these three concepts:

  1. You are a programmable creative being,

  2. There is a map.

  3. There are rules. (Universal laws.)

Once you understand that. It changes everything.
It changes how you look at the world, how you deal with mental health, and that trauma it should be transformed and not healed, (they are different things), how you move through life, and what you create in this life.

With those 3 pillars, you are empowered to…

  • transform your traumas forever,

  • get happy and start to live a great life, the one you KNOW is inside of you.

Remember, happy people, create a thriving society, NOT the other way around.

Stick around, I’ll be breaking all this down and lots more to come.

Please send to a friend who needs this.

Thank you,
Robert De Pinto
Author, Life Beyond Thinking.

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