Happy people buy less sh!t.
What if humanity has it all wrong and we need to flip the script?
Suffering is optional.
There is a popular adage: all suffering is necessary. Life is suffering, etc…
I believe this is a red herring. A lie to keep us miserable and trapped, along with many of the other mental health and wellness tropes.
We are programmed to believe that life is suffering. It's not.
If you flip the script, things start to make sense. A lot more sense.
In fact, I believe being happy is our optimal way of being, and our obligation is to find happiness and live that. Because happy people live great lives and create a thriving society. Not the other way around. (My definition of happiness in the link at the end.)
There should be no unearned shame and guilt for being you (living your God given gifts and talents to the highest level), being happy in that gift and path, and having fun walking your path. And anyone throwing rocks at you for that, doesn’t yet understand, or is the jailor.
The deeper mechanics show that this is how we all thrive in peace. I’d argue, its how we fix all the global issues.
Happy people buy less sh!t.
This is one of the major reasons why we are constantly kept in fear, and are made miserable by the structure of society. The system needs us to keep buying more shit. See the related article explaining that here.
The system needs more misery, and it is everywhere. More disaster headlines, more war, more fear, more race bait, more click-bait, more envy, more extremes of everything. It’s hell. And it’s deliberate and self-propagating. And it’s also about control.
Do a self-test.
Reflect on periods in your life when you were truly happy? Deeply. Grounded. Happy. What were you like? What was around you? What was your world like? Maybe most importantly, what were you doing and how were you being?
I’m not saying you have to go back there, the happiness path changes. But that state of being. What was it like?
I believe happy people waste less of everything.
They buy and enjoy quality things that last, versus buying more and more junk to fill that proverbial hole-in-the-soul. They make quality things that last.
By my definition of happiness, they are of more service to the world, and their neighbours. As a by-product, they eat less garbage, sleep better, are healthier and go to bed earlier. (Think about the extra energy consumption and waste from staying awake to midnight, 1am, 2am… streaming TV, playing computer games, not to mention the large energy consumption A.I. now demands, and it’s associated brain washing).
Side note: Why do people stay up so late? The are dreading tomorrow. So staying up late is a way to kick that can down the road. To avoid their life.
Happy people don’t even think about filling the hole-in-the-soul… because it is not really there. It doesn’t take effort, nor is it about suffering while living a “minimalist life” as a vain badge of honour.
The ponzi financial system needs to be fed. Our misery is one way to do it. (This has nothing to do with capitalism. We don’t have true free market capitalism, which I am a big believer in.)
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Tip: Stop digging in the dirt
Yes, we can learn from suffering, but if you value digging in the dirt, you will only find more dirt, and you will keep digging the rest of your life. It becomes a way of being. And you infect your life with it, and you are never fully able to step out of it, to live, to create, to be.
I do believe there are essential “big rocks” from our past we need to learn from. To understand the truth, and then we can move on forever. (The LBT transform your mind program. here)
Try this exercise: Don’t “turn up and throw up” unless you are going to solve the problem. If you are “vulnerable” and share your problems with people, you have an obligation to solve it and move forward forever.
Turning up and re-hashing the same problem, over and over does not help anyone and in my experience, makes things worse. Make a new deal with yourself, if you turn up and complain about the same things in your life, resolve it and move forward forever.
Tip: Feed the imagination
In my book, I illustrated how our imagination has become infected with the negative, creating a vast prison for us and the people around us. Imaginations hijacked for someone else's agenda. We must be open to life, and also guard our imagination. Child like wonder and adventure.
Try searching your heart for what sparks you, what creates wonder and amazement. Go do that for a while, explore that. Do what ever it is that can ignite your imagination and stir something wonderful in your heart. (Your heart, not your brain.)
Falling in love with a dream in your heart, means you take action towards it and is a big step towards happiness, not fantasy.
I believe we have an obligation to be happy. A responsibility.
And remember, happy people live great lives and create a thriving society. Not the other way around.
I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Thank you,
Robert De Pinto
Author, Life Beyond Thinking®
Life is simple. Get well, or get free.
p.s. Thank you Janna and Chad for a couple of insights for this article. You know who you are.
Related articles & video:
The 'first loan' – how humanity got enslaved here
These 3 questions on happiness here
Life is a PSYOP hereThe Alarming Rise of "Normophobia" Among Teens, Who Think Being Normal Is Bad, with Dr. Leonard Sax here
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