Doing this would solve 90% of the worlds problems… almost overnight.
And I’ll explain why after…
1. Look in the mirror.
2. Stop lying to yourself.
3. Stop lying to others.
Even if people lied 50% less. We would all wake up tomorrow, and see a different world. Literally.
Every conscious lie sends out a “false signal”.
Lies cause extra overhead on other people, forcing them to spend time and energy to discern, decide and move forward. And potentially sending them down the wrong path, which is a waste.
They cause new, bigger problems. This requires time and energy to solve problems that should not be there in the first place.
It is a form of cheating and stealing, and that leads to more, cheating and stealing, and so on, and so forth.
We now have “fact checkers” (which is crazy in itself) and no one trusts them, because truth and integrity are harder to find.
When we lie, we have to remember everything to cover our tracks, and that just builds more overhead on you.
All of this takes from your imagination and from your true creative potential.
It creates a lower standard and people tell themselves, “It’s ok to lie. Everyone is doing it and there are no real consequences.”
Yet there are big consequences.
And we see the results of it all now.
It is always easier to tell the truth.
Even if it causes what feels like short term pain. In the long run, I do believe it is always better to be honest and truthful.
The truth has no fear.
The truth loves to be questioned.
The truth will set you free.
Reignited imagination.
When we clean up our minds from lies and all the baggage it creates, we regain more integrity and from our centre, we can tap into a bigger, brighter imagination.
We can solve the real problems that need solving, and create new opportunities and pathways for civilization.
A new civilization would emerge, and quite quickly.
Thank you,
Robert De Pinto
Author, Life Beyond Thinking®
Life is simple. Make it great.
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